柴纬明 生物化学与分子生物学博士
● 学习、工作经历:
2005.09-2009.07 江西师范大学生命科学学院 理学学士(生物科学)
2009.09-2014.06 厦门大学生命科学学院(硕博连读)理学博士(生物化学与分子生物学)
2014.07-2018.11 江西师范大学生命科学学院 讲师
2018.12至今 江西师范大学生命科学学院 副教授
2019.01-2011.12 江西师范大学生命科学学院校聘教授
2022.03 至今抚州市乐安县副县长
Chai W. M.,* Pan Q. X.,Bai Q. H., Wu Y. F.,Wei W. S., Wang L. J.,Zhu D. (2023). Condensed tannins from the leave of Dimocarpus longanLour. exhibit anti-tyrosinase, anti-melanogenesis,anti-browning, anti-α-glucosidase, and anti-glycation activities. Industrial crops and products.(SCI一区)
Wen, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, L., Pan, Q., Bai, Q., ... &, Chai, W. M.*(2023). Inhibition of albendazole and 2‐(2‐aminophenyl)‐1 H‐benzimidazole against tyrosinase: mechanism, structure–activity relationship, and anti‐browning effect. Journal of the science of food and agriculture, 103(6), 2824-2837.(SCI二区)
Liang, Y. Q., Wen, Y. T., Fu, Q. Q., Yu, Z. Y., Wang, L. J., Zou, Z. R., ... & Chai, W. M.* (2022). Structure analysis and tyrosinase, melanogenesis, α-glucosidase, and nonenzymatic glycation inhibitory activities of polymeric proanthocyanidins from the pulp of Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. Industrial crops and products, 187, 115524.(SCI一区)
Yu, Z. Y., Xu, K., Wang, X., Wen, Y. T., Wang, L. J., Huang, D. Q., ... & Chai, W. M.* (2022). Punicalagin as a novel tyrosinase and melanin inhibitor: Inhibitory activity and mechanism. LWT, 161, 113318.(SCI一区)
Song, S., Liu, Q., Chai, W. M.,* Xia, S. S., Yu, Z. Y., & Wei, Q. M. (2021). Inhibitory potential of 4-hexylresorcinol against α-glucosidase and non-enzymatic glycation: Activity and mechanism. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering, 131(3), 241-249.
Chai, W. M.,*Yu, Z. Y., Lin, M. Z., Wei, Q. M., & Song, S. (2021). 5-Methoxy-2-mercaptobenzimidazole as an efficient inhibitor on tyrosinase: Inhibitory activity and mechanism. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering, 131(4), 356-363.
Ou-Yang, C., Chai, W. M,*Xu, X., Song, S., Wei, Q., Huang, Q., & Zou, Z. (2020). Inhibitory potential of proanthocyanidins from the fruit pulp of Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels against α-glucosidase and non-enzymatic glycation: Activity and mechanism. Process biochemistry, 91, 364-373.
Huang, Q., Chai, W. M.,* Ma, Z. Y., Ou-Yang, C., Wei, Q. M., Song, S., ... & Peng, Y. Y. (2019). Inhibition of α-glucosidase activity and non-enzymatic glycation by tannic acid: Inhibitory activity and molecular mechanism. International journal of biological macromolecules,141,358-368. (SCI二区)
Chai, W. M.,* Ou-Yang, C., Ma, Z., Song, S., Huang, Q., Wei, Q., & Peng, Y. (2019). Anti-α-glucosidase and antityrosinase activity of condensed tannins from the bark of Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels with antiproliferative and apoptotic properties in B16 mouse melanoma cells. Process biochemistry, 86, 205-214.
Chai, W. M. ,*Wei, Q., Deng, W., Zheng, Y. , Chen, X., Huang, Q., Ou-Yang, C. and Peng, Y. Y. (2019). Anti-melanogenesis property of condensed tannins from Vigna angularis seed with potent antioxidant and DNA damage protection activities. Food function, 10(1), 99-111. (SCI一区)
Lin, M. Z., Chai, W. M.,* Zheng, Y. L., Huang, Q., Ou-Yang, C. (2019). Inhibitory kinetics and mechanism of rifampicin on α-glucosidase: Insights from spectroscopic and molecular docking analyses. International journal of biological macromolecules,122,1244-1252.(SCI二区)
Chai, W. M.,* Huang, Q., Lin, M. Z., Ou-Yang, C., Huang, W. Y., Wang, Y. X., Xu, K. L., Feng, H. L. (2018). Condensed tannins from longan bark as inhibitor of tyrosinase: structure, activity, and mechanism. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 66(4), 908-917. (SCI一区)
Chai, W. M.,*Ou-Yang, C., Huang, Q., Lin, M. Z., Wang, Y. X., Xu, K. L., (2018). Huang, W. Y., Pan, D. D. Antityrosinase and antioxidant properties of mung bean seed proanthocyanidins: Novel insights into the inhibitory mechanism. Food chemistry, 260, 27–36. (SCI一区)
Lin, M. Z., Chai, W. M.,* Ou-Yang, C., Huang, Q., Xu, X. H., Peng, Y. Y. (2018). Antityrosinase mechanism of omeprazole and its application on the preservation of fresh-cut Fuji apple. International journal of biological macromolecules,117, 538-545. (SCI二区)
Chai, W. M.,* Lin, M. Z., Feng, H. L., Zou, Z. R., Wang, Y. X. (2017). Proanthocyanidins purified from fruit pericarp of Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels as efficient tyrosinase inhibitors: structure evaluation, inhibitory activity and molecular mechanism. Food function,8, 1043-1051. (SCI一区)
Chai, W. M.,* Lin, M. Z., Wang, Y. X., Xu, K. L., Huang, W. Y., Pan, D. D., Zou Z R, & Peng, Y. Y. (2017). Inhibition of tyrosinase by cherimoya pericarp proanthocyanidins: Structural characterization, inhibitory activity and mechanism. Food research international, 100, 731-739. (SCI二区)
Chai, W. M.,* Lin, M. Z., Song, F. J., Wang, Y. X., Xu, K. L., Huang, J. X., Fu, J. P., & Peng, Y. Y. (2017). Rifampicin as a novel tyrosinase inhibitor: Inhibitory activity and mechanism. International journal of biological macromolecules, 102, 425-430. (SCI二区)
Wang, R., Chai, W. M.,* Yang, Q., Wei, M. K., Peng, Y. Y.*(2016). 2-(4-Fluorophenyl)-quinazolin-4 (3H)-one as a novel tyrosinase inhibitor: Synthesis, inhibitory activity, and mechanism. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 24(19), 4620-4625.
Wei, M. K., Chai W M,* Wang, R., Yang, Q., Deng, Z., Peng, Y. Y.* (2016). Quinazolinone derivatives: synthesis and comparison of inhibitory mechanisms on α-glucosidase. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry. 25(4), 1303–1308
Chai, W. M.,* Wei, M. K., Wang, R., Deng, R. G., Zou, Z. R., Peng, Y. Y. (2015). Avocado proanthocyanidins as source of tyrosinase inhibitors: structure characterization, inhibitory activity and mechanism. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry,63 (33), 7381–7387. (SCI一区)
Chai, W. M., Shi, Y, Feng, H. L., Xu, L., Xiang, Z. H., Gao, Y. S., Chen, Q. X.*(2014). Structure characterization and anti-tyrosinase mechanism of polymeric proanthocyanidins fractionated from kiwifruit pericarp. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry,62(27), 6382-6389. (SCI一区)
Chai, W. M., Chen, C. M., Gao, Y. S., Feng, H. L., Ding, Y. M., Shi, Y., Zhou, H. T., Chen, Q. X.*(2014). Structural analysis of proanthocyanidins isolated from fruit stone of Chinese hawthorn with potent antityrosinase and antioxidant activity. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 62(1), 123–129. (SCI一区)
Chai, W. M., Liu, X.,Hu, Y. H., Feng, H. L., Jia, Y. L., Guo, Y. J., Zhou, H. T.*, Chen, Q. X.*(2013).Antityrosinase and antimicrobial activities of furfuryl alcohol, furfural and furoic acid. International journal of biological macromolecules, 57, 151-155. (SCI二区)
Chai, W. M., Shi, Y., Feng, H. L., Qiu, L., Zhou, H. C., Deng, Z. W., Yan, C. L.*, Chen, Q. X.*(2012). NMR, HPLC-ESI-MS, and MALDI-TOF MS analysis of condensed tannins from Delonix regia and their bioactivities. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 60 (19), 5013-5022. (SCI一区)
● 科研项目:
2、国家自然科学基金:龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour.)单宁分离鉴定与抗酪氨酸酶机理研究(2015) 主持
3、江西省自然科学基金--杰出青年基金项目:MALDI-TOF MS和UPLC-MS/MS指导分离壳斗科植物单宁(tannins)及其抗酪氨酸酶机制研究(2019)主持
5、江西省自然科学基金青年项目:黄皮原花色素分离纯化、结构分析与抗α-葡萄糖苷酶机制研究(2017) 主持
地址: 江西省南昌市高新区江西师范大学生命科学学院方荫楼3区W351室